But WE need to act and WE need to act now!

Bushfires below Stacks Bluff, Tasmania, Australia: Photo by Matt Palmer on Unsplash

Reacting to Climate Change

My reaction to Climate Change (and all the other challenges that confront our planet) is a daily roller-coaster of fury at our governments’ inept responses to the issues.  I feel outrage at the multinational organisations that seem to care only about profit. I am depressed at the loss of biodiversity that helps to fulfil humanity’s needs and provides much needed beauty and wonder in our lives. I want to scream with dismay at the greed of rich countries that seem to care little for those that have contributed less to Climate Change yet lack the ability to adapt to the problems they face because of it.  It also leaves me with a sense that as an individual there is absolutely nothing I can do against these enormous forces.

HOWEVER, I know that there are many others out there that feel like I do and they need my support. I have a deep-seated belief that we need to work together as citizens of the world. We have to make clear what we want. Only then can we create better and more fulfilling lives for ourselves in the future.

There are also many others who care deeply and who are committed to making the transformations required to create that better future. Some of these changes are already making a difference to our lives and others are well on the way.  See this article about new ways being developed to tackle the climate crisis.

So, if we move fast now, we can still, just, change how we live to avoid the worst effects of a warming planet.  However, we all have to act differently and we have to work together to create a word that works for everybody. We CAN all make a difference and we CAN create a better and happier world.

Changing Us – to Change the Future

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Let’s Focus on What We Can Do!

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Nature’s Way

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One of Our Better Ideas?

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Biodiversity for a Healthier Planet

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A Letter from the Future

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Thinking Differently about the Future

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Nature Needs our Help

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Useful links and background reading

Background Reading

Hope in Hell by Jonathon Porritt

This Changes Everything, Capitalism versus the Climate by Naomi Klein

The Future we Choose by Christiana Figueres, Tom Rivett-Carnac

Less is More, How Degrowth will Save the World by Jason Hickel

Useful Links

NASA Climate Change

The Met Office UK Causes of Climate Change

Worldwide Fund for Nature Effects of Climate Change

The BBC Ten Simple Ways to Act on Climate Change

For something different – try Outrage and Optimism Podcasts here




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