Taking Biodiversity Loss Seriously

Taking Biodiversity Loss Seriously

Could African Elephants Really Disappear From the Wild? “The question is, are we happy to suppose that our grandchild may never be able to see an elephant except in a picture book?” David Attenborough said this, commenting on the current rapid rate of global...
Far From Home

Far From Home

UNHCR (the United Nations Refugee Agency) says that at the end of 2023 the number of forcibly displaced people in the world amounted to 1 in every 69 of the global population. Over 42 million of them were children! I find that quite staggering. Why should we worry...
Wake Up!

Wake Up!

Are we just going to give in? – let our children’s futures go to hell? – do nothing to save our wonderful wildlife? – let dictators take over our world for the sake of their private gain? – abandon minorities? – create misery for billions of people? – let our major...
Changing Us – to Change the Future

Changing Us – to Change the Future

Humanity has had endless opportunities to change for the better, and we have chosen not to. If we want our children to thrive in the years to come it is obvious that we need to find a way to transform our thinking. It is clear now that we have the technology to tackle...
Let’s Focus on What We Can Do!

Let’s Focus on What We Can Do!

It is not always easy. Life is tough at the moment. But I don’t want to concentrate on the problems. I want to focus on what we can do about them. Not the airy fairy “we can probably do this in the future kind of promise”, but what each of us can do right now. All of...
Nature’s Way

Nature’s Way

Part 2 of a two-part series on how to tackle Climate Change Mangrove Swamps Make Wonderful Carbon Sinks Restoring Nature can help us tackle Climate Change Humanity has created utter chaos in this beautiful world of ours. Nature can help us repair that damage and...