Renewable Energy

An Area of Hope
Technology can sound a bit dull. But this technology isn’t! and I love to write about success stories. The triumph of renewable energy is one of those, an area where mankind can pat itself on the back and cheer. Not only that, but it gives us hope that we can achieve a more liveable and healthy future.
It is down to economics of course. There is money to be made and the investors are happy!!
There are thousands of brilliant engineers and technologists who have created the new wonders of energy production. Companies have fought their way to a successful place in the renewables market. Remember, at the end of the day renewables are cheaper and they make life better for many people. And they are good for fighting Climate Change and Pollution.
There is no doubt about it. Renewable energy technology has been an incredible success. There will be those that grumble about the mining of rare materials and the concrete that goes into taller wind turbines. I agree that is bad.
But we will fix it, I am sure. See this article which talks about recyclable blades for wind turbines. It covers other areas and shows the wonderful technological innovation that is going on.
We are learning as we go along and the possibilities are endless. And for the future of humanity we must build what is needed for all. We must replace Fossil Fuels, and soon.
Renewable Energy
The International Energy Agency talks about a “massive expansion of renewable power” – in 2023 the amount of renewable energy capacity grew by 50%. This gives the world the possibility of tripling the renewable energy capacity agreed at COP28 in Dubai. Ultimately it will be part of how we effectively fight Climate Change.
Unfortunately the world is still squabbling over increased finance to help developing countries to participate in those targets. The recent agreement at COP 29 in Baku has agreed to pay those countries $1.3 trillion by 2035. This money is vital, not just to help countries repair damage from storms etc but it will help us all. If those countries can go directly to renewable energy rather than be diverted to use coal, oil or gas then our emissions will fall. Hopefully developed countries will pay, and although not enough is committed and not in the right form, it will certainly make a difference.
Solar and Wind Energy
Clearly the success of these types of clean energy production has been amazing. A recent article shows that China alone has twice as much wind and solar capacity under construction as the rest of the world combined.
Wave Energy
An Enormous Source of Power Just waiting to be Used

There is huge potential with this form of energy and the first pilot wave-energy wind farms are already under construction. There is an intention to build a new European industry based on this technology.
These renewable forms of energy are already proving highly successful, cheaper and healthier than that provided by Fossil Fuels. (Clearly there are still problems to be ironed out.) However the intermittent nature of these forms require that we increase both our access to Smart Grids and our Battery Storage Capacity.
Smart Grids
This article by the International Energy Agency describes them in more detail if you are interested. Basically they are a way of ensuring digitally that there is always electricity even when the sun is not shining or the wind blowing etc. It also requires the use of Storage Batteries. We are not completely there yet with smart grids but the technological improvements are amazing. It seems, for example that we can now allow electric vehicle users to feed back power from their batteries if there is the threat of blackouts.
We know that successful storage of renewable energy is vital for its viability and there are thousands of scientists working on producing large-scale batteries that will do the job. The investment in developing these batteries is phenomenal and progress fantastic.
Of course the use of renewables is not trouble free. With more and more governments backing them (for example by subsidizing the acquisition of solar panels or heat pumps) and the dramatic drop in price of those technologies we can see the possibility of a big change for the better.
Can we continue the amazing increase in this technology? Will our production of renewables stop with a new President in the White House?
Presidential Election Year

There is a huge amount of concern worldwide about the new American Administration that was recently elected. This worry stretches into many areas: society, health, human rights and justice, to name just a few. However for me (as a non-US citizen) my main anxieties are the climate and environment. A recent talk given by Al Gore from COP 29 in Baku has cheered me enormously. In it he discusses the continuing power of individual cities and states to move forward on the climate. He also talks of the power of business and technology and how that will carry on over the next four years. It seems that the advance of renewable energy is now unstoppable.
Of course, bad things will happen, and government policy will be slower in getting things done. But Europe is already talking of what it will do to counter the effect of the US backing off. Other developed and developing countries will do their bit. So we must continue to hope actively and as individuals to roll up our sleeves and do whatever we can.
What Can You Do?
- If you can afford it, think about fitting solar panels or a heat pump. It is good for your household, and research shows that people in the neighbourhood will be encouraged to do the same
- Buy or lease an electric car
- Walk more, especially for short distances
- Take more public transport
- Buy a bicycle
- Fly less. Especially short-haul flights
- Take the train. It is more expensive certainly but so much better for the planet
- Write to the newspapers and the government and ask them to buy electric/hydrogen powered buses.
- Talk to your community about a local energy scheme. It is a great way to make friends and to help the planet, while saving money
- Support organisations like Greenpeace and Client Earth who are fighting the Fossil Fuel Companies
- Write to your government about ending Fossil Fuel Subsidies
- Write to your government and encourage them to fund developing countries to adapt to Climate Change
Talk to everybody you know about the positive benefits of renewable energy. Encourage them to believe that we are making a difference in our fight against Climate Change.
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Solar panel photo by American Public Power Association and other photos by Jeremy Bishop and Joshua Woroniecki on Unsplash